Sunday, April 23, 2006


The Coca Cola Light Man

Some discussions seem to come back every once in a while. Now that I actually have to do some physical work a lot of people tell me: “That must be good for your health, all that free workout you get”.
Well let me tell you. Working out and being healthy are two completely different things. It’s true that we get a lot of exercise these days and I can definatly tell the difference in muscle strength but picture yourself the average construction worker… Now tell me, do you see some sort of Coca Cola Light man in your mind right now? Guess not huh? They might get a little stronger of all that heavy work but there is now toning involved.
Second of all... Healthy? Try breathing dust, dust and more dust for about three months in a row, then ask me again about that "healthy"=part. And there is now way of getting rid of all that dust. You can move it around at best. Get a broom, wipe the floor and all of the dust is back in the air again. Personally I try to get out of the house when someone gets the idea of cleaning in her head.

So to make a long story short, I’m not transferring into some kind of Coca Cola Light man. Judging by my current worker wardrobe, it’s more a combination of Altern8 and the lead singer of Rammstein.

Dude! No one wants to see your ass crack on the internet. Take it down, take it down for the love of God, Country and a good woman's bossom!
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